We are a mother daughter baking duo bringing back her mom’s kieflie recipe and tradition. During the 2014 holiday season, I came across a neighbor’s Facebook post asking if anyone knew where to get good kieflies. I remembered that when I was younger the women in my family would have baking sessions to make kieflies. Since grandma had passed, my mom had inherited the recipe but the tradition of baking together was gone. After talking with my mom, we decided to restart the tradition and fulfill the need for my neighbor. Well word spread that they were very good which resulted in many more requests. I looked at my mom and we agreed that we’ve got to give the people what they want.
During the 2015 holiday season we branched out to selling at the South Bend Farmer’s Market and are ready to do it again this year!
Mom’s Kiefliesadmin2020-01-18T18:56:55+00:00